Tag Archives: Like They Always Do

MP3: Total Babes – “Like They Always Do”

It’s not a secret that I’m smitten with Cloud Nothings and everything released under that name. Dylan Baldi’s backing band, however, has some great talent that cannot be ignored. Total Babes is Chris Brown, Gary Spolarich and Cloud Nothings’ Jayson Gerycz and Joe Boyer, and it’s yet another awesome lo-fi group to come out of Cleveland.

The easiest way to describe “Like They Always Do,” the first track from the Total Babes debut, Swimming Through Sunlight, has a very punk and chaotic feel to it. The song barely rests at all and the chorus of “Just like they always do” is immediately turned into a sing-a-long.

With summer getting ready to officially start, “Like They Always Do” is the perfect song for your summer car mixes and whatever mixes you’re making to enjoy the sun in.

Download “Like They Always Do” above via the Total Babes bandcamp. Swimming Through Sunlight is due out August 30 on Old Flame Records. Also, like them on Facebook.

Swimming Through Sunlight tracklist:

Like They Always Do
Be So True
Rot Away
Someone to Blame
Don’t Have to Run
Give Me Nothing
Le Guts
How We Wanna Be
Without Your Heart
Tip of My Tongue


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